I wanted a place in this website where I could share a few things
with my internet friends from time to time.
What kind of things? Well...that depends...*g*
Sometimes it might be some PSP tubes I have made.
At other times, maybe a graphic or the tube to make a graphic like it.
Who knows? *LOL* Just whatever I think you might be able to use.
Like the song of the Scarecrow in the Wizard,
You never know what kind of thoughts my brain is busy hatchin'.
I'm always thinking up something impossible to create with PSP
and then, because I'm so stubborn, proving you can do it anyway!
In his travels around the state, Jim has brought back some beautiful photographs. I thought these would make some wonderful desktop wallpapers. Just sharing a few of them here with you.
All images are Copyright © 2004, Jim Austin. Use or distribution on other web sites is not permitted, but you may download the images and use them as wallpaper without qualms. Enjoy!
Note: All wallpapers are supplied at 1024x768 resolution, which makes them quite large files. Click on the small picture to open a new window with the image at full size, then right-click and select 'Save as...'.
On Friday, December 6, 2002, we lost a good friend and member of many graphics groups and other online organizations. What a joy it was to have known Bev/Catluv and shared not only our graphics, but our love for cats as well.
My thoughts and prayers are with her family in this time of sorrow.
She was a very special person with always a kind word and helping hand.
"What we have once enjoyed
we can never lose.
All that we love deeply
becomes a part of us."
. . . Helen Keller

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graphics © auntie em 2001-2007